Current Issue : October-December Volume : 2017 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 1 Articles
This paper is an analysis and examination of the relationship between conducive working environment and performance in the Civil Service of Osun State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire were administered on 352 respondents selected through multi stage sampling techniques from the twelve ministries and the twenty-two (22) sub units categorized into four: agencies, bureaus, departments and offices in the Osun State Civil Service (OSCS). Descriptive statistical tools such as percentage and frequency distribution were used while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) as an inferential statistical tool was used to analyze the formulated hypothesis. The results of the study reveal that office space, facilities, infrastructure and information storage/ classification (information and communication technology/filing system), all as variables of conducive working environment at 0.5% have significant relationship with performance. Also, office space, size and dimension of work space as well as the number of occupants are believed by respondents to have the greatest influence on staff performance. So that the result of tested hypothesis reveal a positive and high significant relationship between CWE and Performance (T-value of 41.70, 42.10 and 34.96 respectively at 0.05 significant level). The findings further revealed that ergonomics otherwise called biomechanics, is the new paradigm shift in workers’ productivity arising as a result of popular demand by workers for office fit. Thus, efficiency and effectiveness measurement in the public sector which had hithertho been rare and uncommon can be embarked upon as determined by the variables of CWE. Furthermore, by matching the CWE factors against performance, the input can be generated on the deepening and expansion of the frontiers of knowledge on the transformation of the Civil Service....